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Hi! You searched for in room !
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Returning 42 records!

Icon Date Start Time Class Location Class Name Class Type
Class Icon 08:00:0009:20:00JFF 233BUAD-280: Introduction to Financial AccountingLecture
Class Icon 08:00:0009:20:00JFF 233BUAD-280: Introduction to Financial AccountingLecture
Class Icon 08:00:0009:20:00JFF 233BUAD-280: Introduction to Financial AccountingLecture
Class Icon 08:00:0009:20:00JFF 233BUAD-280: Introduction to Financial AccountingLecture
Class Icon 08:00:0009:20:00JFF 233BUAD-280: Introduction to Financial AccountingLecture
Class Icon 08:00:0009:20:00JFF 233BUAD-280: Introduction to Financial AccountingLecture
Class Icon 08:00:0009:20:00JFF 233BUAD-280: Introduction to Financial AccountingLecture
Class Icon 08:00:0009:20:00JFF 233BUAD-280: Introduction to Financial AccountingLecture
Class Icon 08:00:0009:20:00JFF 233BUAD-280: Introduction to Financial AccountingLecture
Class Icon 12:00:0000:00:00JFF 233test 123Lecture
Class Icon 12:00:0012:50:00DMC 157ITP-165: Introduction to C++ ProgrammingLecture/Lab
Class Icon 12:00:0012:50:00DMC 157ITP-165: Introduction to C++ ProgrammingLecture/Lab
Class Icon 12:00:0012:50:00DMC 157ITP-165: Introduction to C++ ProgrammingLecture/Lab
Class Icon 12:00:0012:50:00DMC 157ITP-165: Introduction to C++ ProgrammingLecture/Lab
Class Icon 12:00:0012:50:00DMC 157ITP-165: Introduction to C++ ProgrammingLecture/Lab
Class Icon 12:00:0012:50:00DMC 157ITP-165: Introduction to C++ ProgrammingLecture/Lab
Class Icon 12:00:0012:50:00DMC 157ITP-165: Introduction to C++ ProgrammingLecture/Lab
Class Icon 12:00:0012:50:00DMC 157ITP-165: Introduction to C++ ProgrammingLecture/Lab
Class Icon 12:00:0012:50:00DMC 157ITP-165: Introduction to C++ ProgrammingLecture/Lab
Class Icon 09:00:0011:50:00IYH 213ACAD-324g: The Practice of Design: Ideation to InnovationLecture/Lab
Class Icon 09:00:0011:50:00IYH 213ACAD-324g: The Practice of Design: Ideation to InnovationLecture/Lab
Class Icon 09:00:0011:50:00IYH 213ACAD-324g: The Practice of Design: Ideation to InnovationLecture/Lab
Class Icon 09:00:0011:50:00IYH 213ACAD-324g: The Practice of Design: Ideation to InnovationLecture/Lab
Class Icon 09:00:0011:50:00IYH 213ITP-165: Introduction to C++ ProgrammingLecture/Lab
Class Icon 09:00:0011:50:00IYH 213ACAD-324g: The Practice of Design: Ideation to InnovationLecture/Lab
Class Icon 09:00:0011:50:00IYH 213ACAD-324g: The Practice of Design: Ideation to InnovationLecture/Lab
Class Icon 09:00:0011:50:00IYH 213ACAD-324g: The Practice of Design: Ideation to InnovationLecture/Lab
Class Icon 09:00:0011:50:00IYH 213ACAD-324g: The Practice of Design: Ideation to InnovationLecture/Lab
Class Icon 14:00:0017:00:00IYH 210ACAD-276: Dev 2Lecture/Lab
Class Icon 14:00:0017:00:00IYH 210ACAD-276: Dev 2Lecture/Lab
Class Icon 14:00:0017:00:00IYH 210ACAD-276: Dev 2Lecture/Lab
Class Icon 14:00:0017:00:00IYH 210ACAD-276: Dev 2Lecture/Lab
Class Icon 14:00:0017:00:00IYH 210ACAD-276: Dev 2Lecture/Lab
Class Icon 14:00:0017:00:00IYH 210ACAD-276: Dev 2Lecture/Lab
Class Icon 14:00:0017:00:00IYH 210ACAD-276: Dev 2Lecture/Lab
Class Icon 14:00:0017:00:00IYH 210ACAD-276: Dev 2Lecture/Lab
Class Icon 14:00:0017:00:00IYH 210ACAD-276: Dev 2Lecture/Lab
Class Icon 17:00:0021:00:00KDC 236ITP-310: Design for User ExperienceLecture
Class Icon 17:00:0021:00:00KDC 236ITP-310: Design for User ExperienceLecture
Class Icon 17:00:0021:00:00KDC 236ITP-310: Design for User ExperienceLecture
Class Icon 17:00:0021:00:00KDC 236ITP-310: Design for User ExperienceLecture
Class Icon 17:00:0021:00:00KDC 236ITP-310: Design for User ExperienceLecture